Friday, 30 July 2010
Mountain expedition -join the climb, explore new heights
The next cp event is the mountain climb. I bet there will be some stamps about it in events in your stampbook. I can't wait.
Whats happening
August 6th:
- penguin style (new catalouge)
August 13th:
- Mountain expedition (CP event)
August 20th:
- Better igloos
- Igloo upgrades (new catalouge's)
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
120 hits
Yay! 3 days ago was the launch of the new penguin counter counting how many penguins come online on this website. Since then we have had 120 hits!
Stamp book
Stamp books are getting off to a great start! I already ave 46 stamps 3 of them expert and lot's of hard ones. I can't wait for more to come out.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Stamp book!!!
The stamp book has finally arrived. I have already customised my cover and earned a few stamps, It's great!
Sunday, 25 July 2010
My logo
What do you think of this logo? It has this website URL, my penguin name, my penguin, the logo and a good background. Comment on what you think.
My banner |
JG1357 web network update
I have just launched a new wiki (get to it through the link on the sidebar) which does not have loads of info yet, it was only made today, but it will become packed with cp history and information! Also I have made a cp site (also a link on the sidebar). Visit them and add info to the mini wiki on the site and join the forum. On the site you can also become a member of and there is lot's more on it as well. Also there are discussions that you can comment on. Please explore!
Penguins online counter
On the sidebar of this site there is a hit counter counting how many people are on the site. It has only launched today so there will not be many hits yet but there soon will be.
Saturday, 24 July 2010
The underwater adventure
The underwater adventure has arrived! and it is at the stage! I just went other there and brought both the scuba suits, the background plus the lobster suit and fish suit. I love buying stuff!
Newspaper got it wrong?
2 weeks ago the newspaper said that yesterday was going to be the underwater adventure. I went on cp yesterday, nothing had happened. Today, nothing had happened. It's as though they have completely forgotten about the underwater adventure, and replaced it in the next newspaper. In that newspaper there was an advert that on July 26th it all starts. I thought they either got the date wrong for the underwater adventure or they had moved it, because on the advert was somebody surfing! But it turns out that the stamps are coming out that day! That was what the advertisement was for. But now cp say stamp books come out on 27th so I am really confused and I'm just gonna wait to see what happens
Friday, 23 July 2010
Bracelet + Rockhopper key
- Go to the coffee shop.
- Go upstairs to the book room.
- Click the book (bottom right).
For the key:
- Go to the back page of the Rockhopper journal.
- Get the key.
For the bracelet:
- Go to the back page of Rockhopper and the stowaway.
- Pick up the bracelet.
Featured igloo
Stamp book!!!
I can't wait until July 27 for the release of the new stamp book. The stamp book is a place to keep a record of all your pins. On July 27 there will be another little button on your player card. This will go to your stamp book and other penguins can click on it too so everybody can see your achievements in collecting pins and stamps! Earn stamps by doing activities and games. In your stamp book there will be places for stamps to go. If you hover your mouse over these it will give you instructions on how to get the stamp. But it is a bit confusing as to when it happens because it is advertised to happen on the 26th but the cp bog said 27th
Cp update
There is a lot of stuff soon to happen! Around now there will be an underwater adventure (read my previous post on it for more info) And now on July 27 there will be a stamp book! For more information on that read a soon to come blog post on that! Or find out about it by clicking the link on my sidebar to go to a feed of the official club penguin blog (or you could just go to the actual cp blog at Now there is a newish catalouge at the lighthouse with half new instruments including drum sticks and half old casa fiesta instruments.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Not odd anymore!
The Music jam has ended and the new lighthouse catalouge has started so go to the light house for a blue bass, drum sticks and a small drum. (drumstick work with drum kit which can be found at the lighthouse or in the igloo catalouge
Monday, 19 July 2010
Well this odd???
The Music jam was meant to finish on July 18th. And there was meant to be a new lighthouse catalouge on July 19th. So There was meant to be no music jam today (not that I'm worried that there's a day more left of the music jam, or possibly more) and there was meant to be a new lighthouse catalouge (I would have quite liked to see a new catalouge in the lighthouse though). So club penguin have obviously got the dates wrong and hopefully they will release the new lighthouse catalouge tomorrow along with the new EPF field opp for this week.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
19th July
On the 19th July there is going to be a new lighthouse catalouge. It will have lot's of music jam related things according to club penguin but unfortunately a day before the catalouge comes out it will be the end of the music jam. What a shame.
365 days old
JG1357 penguin (my penguin) is 365 days old making this his birthday. Happy birthday jg1357
Friday, 16 July 2010
Whats happening
- DJ3K new records
18th July:
- Music jam ends
19th July:
- New lighthouse catalouge
23rd July
- Underwater adventure
6th August:
- Penguin style
20th August:
- New igloo items
Igloo stuff + 3 instruments
If you want to have your say on which is the best instrument answer this poll: (and for better results get your friends to answer it too.)
Expert dancer
Is the dance contest too easy for you? Well now it isn't. When you are choosing what difficulty to dance on, instead click on Cadence and then she will ask you if you are ready for expert mode. What you choose now is up to you.
Sunday, 11 July 2010
I JUST met cadence a couple of minutes ago on Mammoth in the dance lounge!
That proves it IS possible!!!
That proves it IS possible!!!
I have spent ages looking for Cadence using multiple trackers and looking about in places I suspect her to be in. Now actually locating Cadence isn't the hard part. The hard part is when your trying to get into the room you suspect her to be in (see picture). The room is normally full that Cadence is in and there is usually a huge crowd trying to get into it still. And even if you are able to get in eventually you either suspected wrongly or you missed her because it took you so long to get in the room she left!
Friday, 9 July 2010
All access pass
Members who buy an all-access pass for 50 coins can go to:
1. The Casa-Fiesta which you can get to buy the ski-village or go backstage at the main stage then go through the Casa-Fieta door.
2. Backstage, You can get backstage by the main stage or the Casa-Fiesta and there you will find 3 instruments being sold and a free t-shirt.
3. Night club roof. To get here you go in the night club, then upstairs to the lounge, the upstairs again where you will find a huge stage with a music player where you can change the music. And there is a free boom box.
Not bad -all of this for only 50 coins is it?
1. The Casa-Fiesta which you can get to buy the ski-village or go backstage at the main stage then go through the Casa-Fieta door.
2. Backstage, You can get backstage by the main stage or the Casa-Fiesta and there you will find 3 instruments being sold and a free t-shirt.
3. Night club roof. To get here you go in the night club, then upstairs to the lounge, the upstairs again where you will find a huge stage with a music player where you can change the music. And there is a free boom box.
Not bad -all of this for only 50 coins is it?
Music jam
The music jam is great! Members will want to go straight to the ski village to buy an all access pass for 50 coins letting them go into 3 of the best areas and buy 3 new types of instruments (more to come) and a free shirt backstage. Non- members will enjoy the other stages + free headphones at the cove. And there is lots more like the floor piano at the cave and the inside of the light house and for non members as well the main stage. Also you can go the battle of the bands and go to the music maker 3000
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Underwater adventure
What to expect in the underwater adventure? I was suprised to hear about the underwater adventure as I don't remember it ever happening before in club penguin and usually the same type of event happens every year, and there isn't normally two events in one month. Who knows what it will be like? I don't but if you do leave a comment on this blog explaining it.
New stuff coming.
June 9th:
- New penguin mail
- Music jam starts (ends June 18th)
June 15th:
- Better igloos -rock your igloo
- New instruments coming -look out for Bongos
- New pin (hidden until 28th of June)
June 23rd:
- Underwater adventure dive deep into the action
Monday, 5 July 2010
If you want to find the spy phone in the latest EPF Field-Op then go to the generator at the mine then walk towards the large bulb. Your EPF spy phone should start ringing. Answer it and deactivate the spy phone.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
HQ location
Just about everybody knows about the club penguin EPF HQ but not many know where. The old PSA HQ was next to the sports shop run by G who is part of the PSA and now EPF. But now the HQ was destroyed by Herbert. Now the sports shop is the 'every day phoning facility'. This is where you take the test to become an EPF agent at the new HQ. Now instead of the HQ being next to the sports shop it is now under the former sports shop and you can get down there using the elevator that takes you down to the EPF HQ. And if any sports fans are cross because the sports shop and the items in it has gone, don't be. If you want to buy any sports things go to the football stadium. If you walk up to the stand on the right it will come up with the sports catalogue. Or you can click on the catalouge on the bottom right of your computer screen, or laptop.
DJ3K/hiding place
If you go right behind the DJ3K no one can see your penguin and your penguin name is extremely hard to read if not unreadable. Also no-one can select your player card because if they try they just select the DJ3K and it will ask them if you want to play. An it is fun to say things like Play me or I am the DJ3K because it looks like the DJ3K is speaking because all you see is a speach bubble coming from the DJ3K.
Secret passage
Ice rink
The soccer pitch comes every year at May and leaves at November. So be ready for the return of the ice-rink in December.
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Herbert's revenge
Tip of the ice burg
If you want to tip the ice burg invite a LARGE group of friends to the ice burg on a certain server at a certain time. Then tell them to bring a large group of friends to the server at the certain time and tell them to do the same and so on. So at the time you specified and server specified if you all dance with your puffles on the RIGHT weaker side you together will be able to tip the ice burg.
Look at this great custom club penguin igoogle page!!!
To get it go to iGoogle. Then for the theme search penguin and keep looking until you find your favourite club penguin themes. Then on this blog scroll down near the bottom and there will be two widgets. On the top one click 'get widget' and click the G for google at the bottom. Then wait for it to install in your iGoogle page. Then do the same with the one below that. And you can go onto the polls page and do the same so you have all of the polls on your iGoogle page too!After that you can leave your page how it is or you can keep on searching for more club penguin google gadgets.
Do NOT go on it. Club penguin is more popular and looks better. STOLE club penguins ideas. It works the same and the graphics are like club penguins (except not as good). Stay on club penguin!!!
Ultimate penguin
Create the ultimate penguin. To become the ultimate penguin you must become a/do/get/etc:
- Member
- Fire Ninja
- Cool igloo
- Blog/Website (optional)
- Tour guide
- Elite penguin force (secret agent)
- Clothes + keep up on the style
- Collect all the pins (optional)
- Play regularly + go to major events
- Get puffles
And just play games and have fun!
If you want to E-mail me about my website use my new club penguin address:
The music Jam has arrived
+ plus keep looking at the trackers around June the 9th onwards because the penguin band will almost definately be online at some point somewhere.
Today is the launch of Cpblogger2. It is a new penguin I have created so I can test areas of club penguin which I don't want to use on my penguin e.g. igloo I don't like. Unfortunately he is not currently a member and doen't have much by his name. But hopefully that will change. If you have any comments on the CPblogger2 project comment on this blog or send me and E-mail to:
I reccomend Emailing me that way I will actually see it. I will set up a page on CPblogger2 with more detail.
This site has been renewed. The blog posts are still the same but anyone who saw my site before Friday 2nd June might not be able to recognise it. + were climbing up google. If you ever forget the URL or want to recommend the site to somebody just google: jg1357
Friday, 2 July 2010
If you want to earn the maximum amount of money on DJ3K get your penguin dancing by pressing as many buttons as you can and have as much playing at once as you can. You can also bring your yellow puffle along to bag some extra points.
Music Jam
The Music jam will be coming soon so get kitted up with keytars and outfits because from June 9th-18th the music jam will be coming to club penguin
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