Saturday, 5 June 2010

In Focus: Cardjitsu

Lot's of people ask me "How do you get more cardjitsu cards?" Well there is only ONE way to get more cards. You buy a packet of cardjitsu cards in WHSmith or  at a newsagents and in each packet is a different code which you type in and get 3-4 cards online. If you get a Rare limited edition golden code you can use it to either A: Get 6 cards or B: move up one level in cardjitsu and sometmes get some bonus cards too!
vAlso once you become a ninja go to the ninja hideout and go to the second to master fire (if your a member). Once you become a fire ninja you will get the fire gem:g
llllaaaaThen you will have the first gem of three and will be on your way to the water and snow dojo's. (Not created yet). And that is the cardjitsu focus

New Pin!!!

There is a new pin at the ice-burg!