Saturday, 25 December 2010
Coins for change: Goal reached
The lighthouse is full of coins meaning the club penguin goal is reached! The amount of coins has got so high the whole light house is full to the beacon!
The exit is buried and the ladder goes to the beacon which was originally the goal and it is full of coins!
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Ice rink
The ice rink is back!

The ice rink is back which comes to cp every winter so grab an outfit from the DEC 2010 snow and sports catalouge (A new one is supposed to come out JAN 2011) and earn the team stamp to show your sporting spirit before anyone else.
The ice rink is back which comes to cp every winter so grab an outfit from the DEC 2010 snow and sports catalouge (A new one is supposed to come out JAN 2011) and earn the team stamp to show your sporting spirit before anyone else.
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Gift postcards!
Have you ever wanted to send a gift to one of your cp friends? Well now you can with the cp gift postcards coming on the 20th which you can send to your buddies. Penguins who receive this will get a ??? (If you don't want to spoil it don't follow the link).
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Christmas party
The Christmas party is on

so donate to coins for change

Grab the globe pin from the dock and the reindeer antlers from the lodge

And members can go down to Santas sleigh to win a sack of presents by delivering 15 presents down igloo chimneys. Once you land a sack of presents will appear for you to take around cp to all the penguins.

Then once you have done all that you can relax at the giant Christmas tree down paths at the plaza and town. (Instead of snowballs you can throw tree decorations!)

Or relax at the book room with 3 new Christmas books.

So have a happy CP Christmas!!!
so donate to coins for change
Grab the globe pin from the dock and the reindeer antlers from the lodge
And members can go down to Santas sleigh to win a sack of presents by delivering 15 presents down igloo chimneys. Once you land a sack of presents will appear for you to take around cp to all the penguins.
Then once you have done all that you can relax at the giant Christmas tree down paths at the plaza and town. (Instead of snowballs you can throw tree decorations!)
Or relax at the book room with 3 new Christmas books.
So have a happy CP Christmas!!!
Coins for change
This is the cp charity to help the world so even if you don't have much donate to coins for change.
The cp goal is to fill the lighthouse with coins so the more you put in the higher it will get. The goal has been reached when the top of the lighthouse turns green.
Rockhopper supports the coins for change charity and you can donate in his ship. He has rare items which go towards coins for change like T-shirts so ou can show what part of coins for change you support. There is a free globbe hat to show you support coins for change, a background and a banner for your igloo.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Christmas party now on!!!
The party is now on!!! so go down there and get ready for all the festivities and be prepared for what's to come.
Monday, 13 December 2010
Christmas: Update
Rockhopper is getting closer and closer to cp and I can't wait till he docks. I last saw Rockhopper at the circus so if you see him at the Christmas party be sure to click in him and get his autographed background!
Coins for change is coming again so save up your coins to go down the network of tubes and into charity's across the globe.
And the Christmas party is coming on the same day as coins for change (17th of December) so get ready with your costume (my favourite is the tree! Tell me what YOU are wearing to the Christmas party in the comments), ride the sleigh in the dance lounge and relax in the members rooms all here through Christmas.
Heres a sneak peek of what to expect in the Christmas party...
Coins for change is coming again so save up your coins to go down the network of tubes and into charity's across the globe.
And the Christmas party is coming on the same day as coins for change (17th of December) so get ready with your costume (my favourite is the tree! Tell me what YOU are wearing to the Christmas party in the comments), ride the sleigh in the dance lounge and relax in the members rooms all here through Christmas.
Heres a sneak peek of what to expect in the Christmas party...
Saturday, 11 December 2010
New theme
I have a new theme for Christmas on the blog!
Put comments on this post to tell me what you think
Put comments on this post to tell me what you think
Update: Christmas
- There are new outfits and igloo items (coins for change is here).
- There is a Christmas igloo contest!
- There is a new field opp
- Rockhopper is coming!
So get your igloos ready for the contest because it ends Monday!
Saturday, 4 December 2010
December! My favourite cp time of the year.
December is great in club penguin. Christmas igloos have already come out (I got a gingerbread igloo) and now the gift shop has got a new catalogue with Santa outfit to the cp tree costume, December has it all.
There will be a christmas igloo contest Dec 9-12 + new festive igloo furniture coming out on the 9th ready for igloo designers to get there igloo for the contest decorated with.
Dec 16th: The christmas party starts today! along with coins for change which is a cp charity that comes annually at christmas so penguins can put there change in the buckets for a good cause.
So good luck in the contest! and look for more info because I will post updates nearer the party.
Dec 16th: The christmas party starts today! along with coins for change which is a cp charity that comes annually at christmas so penguins can put there change in the buckets for a good cause.
So good luck in the contest! and look for more info because I will post updates nearer the party.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Cardjitsu Water is here!
Cardjitsu water is here! and its great it looks good its fun to play yet challenging. The legend (the things you get every time you go up a level) has the same items -water style. Loads of penguins have been at it and I'm sure if you go down there you will easily get a game on the least busiest of servers.
There is one down side to it though. Unless you have a quite good home computer or a top of the range laptop you won't even be able to make a move before you slide of that waterfall. I normally use my laptop but I have had to use a proper computer for this one because otherwise by the time its loaded up (If it hasn't already crashed) I have been long gone from the stage with the fall off the waterfall stamp with a last place banner that I can't click ok on because its so slow. But hopefully you will be able to play so head over to the water dojo on the fastest laptop/computer you have (If you have proper PC I recommend using that).
Post comments on your thoughts on the water dojo and how far you are on your ninja journey to master the elements.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Water dojo:starter deck
When we started cardjitsu fire we all got a fire starter deck which gave extra cards to play with (If you want even more cards buy cardjitsu pack in a newsagent/Disney shop and input the code here and you will have 4 cards added to your deck).
You can view your cards by going to the dojo and clicking the card deck at the bottom right of the screen and click 'view cards'. Well now when you start cardjitsu water you will get a starter deck which will include a card made by a penguin. See the what's new blog post on the cp site or go to my cp feed
You can view your cards by going to the dojo and clicking the card deck at the bottom right of the screen and click 'view cards'. Well now when you start cardjitsu water you will get a starter deck which will include a card made by a penguin. See the what's new blog post on the cp site or go to my cp feed
Friday, 19 November 2010
There is a new newspaper which although only has 2 pages it has large page that you scroll down. Don't worry cause the newspaper still has the same features like Aunt Artic's column + even more!
Thursday, 18 November 2010
The new newspaper is coming out at a new time!
There is a new style of newspaper coming out at a different time of 2:00 CPST (club penguin standard time). So get ready to see the new style of newspaper out today!

If you want to know what time it is on club penguin (CPST) go to snow forts where there is a big clock, or go on the CP website and click on community where you will find a clock or there is on on the sidebar of the blog.
If you want to know what time it is on club penguin (CPST) go to snow forts where there is a big clock, or go on the CP website and click on community where you will find a clock or there is on on the sidebar of the blog.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Water dojo:update
Club penguin has released a new blog post telling us about the water dojo. It also sais that the sensei may be around a bit this week so look out for him. There is a video (included in this post that gives more info. You must make your way to the waterfall (in the background when you got to the dojo) to start your training as a water ninja. You mus be a ninja member to do this though.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Ninja update -water dojo
The rain has formed a puddle in the middle of the ninja hideout over the water symbol and the sensei is in the paper talking about the rain and how we should prepare for it. So there is no question the water dojo is coming soon!
It's raining!
It has started raining today on cp so grab an umbrella from the gift shop and celebrate the first rain EVER on cp!
Note to all ninjas: Look where the rain has formed a puddle in the ninja hideout.
Note to all ninjas: Look where the rain has formed a puddle in the ninja hideout.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
EPF update: Gear
There is a new type of agent gear coming out:
And there is a new class of agent coming. Check out the cp blog for more details.
Saturday, 6 November 2010
The gift shop
The new penguin style came yesterday and lots of penguins are already getting ready for rain!
Friday, 5 November 2010
Ninja update -water dojo?
As the storm has stayed and rain is foretasted for the first time EVER on club penguin! Might the rain be coming for the water dojo? It would make sense but you'll just have to wait and see whether it is the water or ice dojo.
On there is a notice above the play now button informing ninjas of a new challenge. A new dojo is definatly coming
On there is a notice above the play now button informing ninjas of a new challenge. A new dojo is definatly coming
Thursday, 4 November 2010
The storm stays!
Everyone is amazed as the storm is still here! This is the first time that the storm has stayed after the halloween party! So grab a raincoat from the gift shop and prepare for the first rain ever! on cp. You can check for incoming weather at the beacon through the telescope and the binoculars at the cove.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Whats new in November?
My thoughts are confirmed with the latest update from club penguin. We will have Snow dojo this month. Here's what club penguin had to say about it:

- Ninjas - if you don't have your Ninja Mask yet, now would be a good time to earn it...
- Elite Agents - new top secret spy gear is in the works. More updates coming next week.
- Club Penguin Times - the newspaper is getting a new look! The brand new newspaper launches soon
Halloween party last day
It's the last day of the halloween party so make sure you've done everything you can in the halloween party.
Sunday, 31 October 2010
There's nothing new on club penguin today but I just wanted to say Happy Halloween! to all the penguins and good luck finding the candy for the scavenger hunt and the free Halloween background!
Friday, 29 October 2010
Halloween party today!
P.S. If you go to the plaza there is some FREE BAT WINGS!
Halloween banner!
Snow or water dojo?
If you check out the latest yearbook or if (like me) you were there to remember it you will see that last November was the arrival of the fire dojo. I have been waiting and wondering if and when there would come a snow or water dojo. A lot of cp events happen annually whether they are a real annual event like the halloween event that just started today! Or the annual medieval party that only happens in club penguin (May). So I along with many other fire ninjas am waiting and hoping that November will bring the Snow or water dojo so we can train to master the next element.
Scavenger hunt 2010
The scavenger hunt is an annual event on club penguin. I will give you a walk through guide for it.
- The first one is on the beach outside the lighthouse
- the second is at the snow forts
- Pumpkin formally the iceberg
- Gift shop
- Pizza place (organ)
- ski lodge
- In the cauldron at the plaza
- The last candy is at the beacon
You then get a background free by clicking claim prize
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Halloween party tommorrow!
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Cove binoculars
To anyone that was on club penguin last Halloween you will remember the storm that came. If you look in the binoculars at the cove you will see the lightening storm coming towards club penguin.
Friday, 15 October 2010
The igloo contest
Over the weekend (that's how long you've got) style your igloo in the most halloweeny way possible. Then once your done click the golden igloo and send it for submission. If you win you could win 25000-50000! But keep your igloo the same way until Monday or the judges may view the changed version.
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Penguin style
I've seen loads of people coming out of the gift shop in all sorts of different costumes. I've seen bumblebees, wizards and loads of mixed up ones. I have a selection from loads of different costumes here I am in my unfinished igloo:

Please comment and tell me what you are wearing for the Halloween party and if you can, paste a picture.
Please comment and tell me what you are wearing for the Halloween party and if you can, paste a picture.
Saturday, 9 October 2010
New carrot pin! and golden feather?
If you go to the night club you will find a carrot pin. It's a bit random and I would have thought there would be a spooky pin ready for Halloween. Oh well I am going to wear my candy apple pin from the music jam.
Also there is a new thing at the stage. This was one of the first pins I got but last time it was hidden in the bamboo. Now you can't get into the royal area with a free background that rises from the floor unless you have it. So head down to the community garden (outside the mine) and get the golden feather for your ticket to the royal area and a free background.
Also there is a new thing at the stage. This was one of the first pins I got but last time it was hidden in the bamboo. Now you can't get into the royal area with a free background that rises from the floor unless you have it. So head down to the community garden (outside the mine) and get the golden feather for your ticket to the royal area and a free background.
Igloo competition
On the 15th-17th Oct there will be an igloo competition. You post it of to the judges and the scariest design will win. And for those people (who I expect is a lot) I will give you a couple of tips on how to get your igloo scary for the competition.
- Get a scary igloo. There's not much point decorating you igloo all nice and scary on the 15th when the catalouge come out if the only igloo you've got is pink! I suggest going into the igloo upgrades catalouge, clicking on the gyms lights and buying the pumpkin igloo.
- Get as many resources as you need. That means getting lots of money and whatever you think will improve you igloo, get it. Even if it costs you loads get it. Because if you are one of the people who win I expect there will be a prize. And next year if there's a competition you will be ready.
Good Luck!
Cart surfer -puffles and stamps!
Now next time you go into club penguin and you want to earn some money (like for scary furniture from the better igloos catalouge on the 15th). Just grab your black puffle and go down to cart surfer and earn some money +nex stamps to collect. I've got over half already including a red (expert) one.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Countdown till halloween
If you look down to the bottom of the page you will notice timer counting down. That is how long it is till Halloween and club penguins gr8 Halloween party! (it is the club penguin play now thing) 26 days to go!!!
Saturday, 2 October 2010
New design
I changed the style of the blog in preparation for Halloween which is one of the biggest events in the club penguin character.
Friday, 1 October 2010
The October catalouge is brilliant! I have got almost every thing. Look at the following pictures to see what its like.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Games day
Head down to the stadium quickly before you miss Games day!

You can get stamps and there are activities to do on your own or against friends. But first pick a team using the cp team picker!

Option B:

Option A:
You can get stamps and there are activities to do on your own or against friends. But first pick a team using the cp team picker!
Option B:
you're competitive, you're LOUD, and you like to challenge your buddies at the Stadium
Option A:
you're funny, chilled, you like telling jokes, and you love Jetpack Adventure
Option C: you enjoy having igloo parties with your buddies, you're loyal, you like being part of the team So head down for stamps competition and fun | Option D: you like igloo decorating, you often hang out at the Stage, you love music |
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